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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf13-localteam] Updates from Le Camp meeting

Quoting Marc SCHAEFER (schaefer@alphanet.ch):

> Nature: walking is free, and from Le Camp you can go to many places (bath
> at the lake -- usually adequate temperature in August -- or take
> the boat for a lake excursion [2]; climb up the mountains
> to the Creux-du-Van natural preservation site [3], about 4 to 5 hours
> return depending on your condition.

\o/ /me already can't wait and will certainly setup several run/walk
events during DC13.

Just as a confirmation, by the way, for the local team: I will 100%
come with my own car. That makes transportation of all video gear from
IRILL in Paris a non problem and also bring to Vaumarcus a 7-seater
Citroen Evasion that can also easily be used as a transportation van
for any local need. And I'll definitely come for Debcamp 1st day.

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