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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf13-localteam] split debcamp?

>> We can decide these things at the meeting where we discuss the issue
> You are continuing the "what if" game.
> We cannot engineering all possibilities, and we are Debian / DebConf, so
> no committee. but doers! If you want to continue with your idea, go
> asking informally people, give us something like:
> - the OpenCowGroup: a group of 12 people and 2 cows would like to share
> the campus with us (including 2 cabal members), for 4 days during
> DebCamp. They will provide us the famous cabal milk for free.
> - Piraten, openstreetmap, xorg, unglypackage, ...
> There are much different possibilities (and IMHO few chances to get
> them), so speaking with details is not useful.
> So we want informal talks.

Just to make it clear
- I am not expecting someone else to go out and pursue this, I am quite
happy to discuss with people informally
- however, as I haven't had a lot of experience with previous DebConfs,
I share the idea through the list to make sure there is (a) some support
for the concept, (b) nobody else doing the same thing and (c) it is not
completely prohibited

> Odyx wrote:
>> For the same reason, given the expressed concerns about 325 being not enough, 
>> I'm quite convinced we'll reach the average of 200 beds so any attempt at 
>> rising this average might mostly bring new costs and new problems (in us 
>> managing non-DebC{amp,onf}'ers) rather than taking the costs down.
> I still think that panic talked. So, I still don't think we will have
> the campus full. IMHO many people will search outside Le Camp.
> Personally I like the idea, and it could help eventually smaller debconf
> in future.

Exactly - the same could happen in reverse, has DebConf (or a
mini-DebConf) ever piggy-backed on another event?  As long as the
DebConf identity remains clear, there are probably many variations on
the concept.

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