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Re: [Debconf-team] Travel sponsorship proposal

Ana Guerrero dijo [Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 07:24:23PM +0200]:
> * Forgetting about travel sponsorhip until March 1st
> Some people was commenting in that thread and in IRC about dropping directly
> the travel sponsorship for this year because it seems unlikely we'll have
> money. Others argued providing travel sponsorship is very important because
> if not some people won't never be able to go to debconf (I agree with this).
> What about not considering travel sponsorship in the budget and in the
> beginning of March, when we know better how much money we'll have we reconsider
> it again?  It will still give people time to do travel arrangements if the
> decision is taken soon.

I agree with this (in fact, I might be one of those people talking
about this on IRC). Some people do depend on it, but this will not be
the first time we can only commit to provide travel sponsorship quite
late in the process, if at all — We can mention (again, explicitly, as
I said in my previous mail) that we will *try to* provide travel
sponsorship, but we cannot yet count on it.

> * Managing travel sponsorship request in a different way
> I would also like to propose removing all the debconf travel sponsorship
> system from the $PENTA_REPLACEMENT and just ask people needing travel
> sponsorship to send an email to the travel sponsorship committee explaining
> why they need sponsorship, how much money this person think it will be
> needed and how much help need. This allow the committee contact the
> person directly asking for more details and also discussing the involvement
> of that person in Debian by the committee  (not everybody knows everybody).
> This could be tracked via a RT ticket, for example.
> This would address the main flaw I saw in the penta-approach: the system
> is quite impersonal and it lacks communication between the committee and
> the people needing sponsorship.

I do not feel this would result in a "warmer feeling" for the
requesters - But it *would* become a burden for the team. We can
strive to provide a better interface, or to contact the requesters
with any questions we might have when rating, but I clearly trust more
on a system for book-keeping than on a mailbox with a trained chimp in

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