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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] About calling SHC if we arrive past 22.00

On Wed, 2014-08-20 at 19:20 +0200, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> Hi,
> [CCing Ian Campbell who according to TravelCoordination/Arrival wiki
> page is in the same situation as I am]


> > The mail that PSU seems to be sending out to all attendees says:
> > 
> >   2. If you are planning to arrive after 10:00pm, you must let us know in
> >   advance by responding to this e-mail. We want to make sure we notify staff
> >   of your arrival.
> > 
> > I believe this should be sufficient, but I will confirm with PSU.
> > 
> > I /hope/ that they will be waiting for you with doors open at the time
> > you've said you will arrive, and that there's no need to call.  But having
> > their phone number in case you do need to call them is probably a good
> > safety precaution.
> > 
> > The only other thing I would say is to make sure your DebConf registration
> > record accurately reflects the time you expect to arrive /at the university/
> > - probably allowing two hours if Portland is your port of entry to the US
> > (i.e., customs and immigration), otherwise 1.5 hours.  But if nothing else,
> > please make sure that you aren't listing 00:00 as your arrival time, as this
> > is impossible for us to distinguish from a default!  If you expect to arrive
> > at midnight, please put in 00:05 instead so we can tell you really mean it.
> TriMet planner says I should get off at SW 5th & Hall at 12:01am, so
> I changed the day of my arrival from 2014-08-22 23:00 to 2014-08-23 12:00 AM
> as that's the only option I have in the select box, hope that's all
> right (and BTW, I didn't get any email from PSU)

Given the late arrival I was planning to jump in a cab, which I assumed
would be quicker. I'd be happy to share.


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