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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-announce] First videos are now online

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 5:23 AM, Carl Karsten <carl@nextdayvideo.com> wrote:
> the good news is the string and summit db key is here:
> http://veyepar.nextdayvideo.com/main/C/debian/S/debconf14.json
> "slug": "HPs_OpenStack_Helion_Debian_all_the_way_down",
> "conf_url":
> "https://summit.debconf.org/debconf14/meeting/134/hps-openstack-helion-debian-all-the-way-down/";,
> "conf_key": "134",
> "state": 3 or above are the videos that have been encoded and I expect to
> find them in
>   http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/debconf14/

As I said on IRC a few times, I still think it would make sense to
prefix this ID to all talk names. Though, arguably, the longer this
does not happen, the less use it is.


PS: Also as per IRC, we would probably need to symlink
already-published videos to their new names; else random links people
may have would break.


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