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[Debconf-team] More raffle feedback and on the motivation of attendees

also sprach Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago@debian.org> [2014-09-11 03:20 +0200]:
> > I would rather cut the costs (or the existence) of all these
> > (C&W, dinner, day trip, sponsored beverages) than selling them.
> I'd go for it too. Although madduck's answer to my concerns on
> this made me believe that they won't go to extremes :)

Of course not. DebConf is a gem, it's a treasure, it's worth
fighting for and it's worth protecting.

And yet, it can always be improved, it's never "done".

also sprach Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago@debian.org> [2014-09-11 05:09 +0200]:
> I agree with you here, I may have expressed myself badly. I'm fine
> with it if the raffle doesn't disturb any official event/space
> (including hacklabs) and if it doesn't take much energy from the
> localteam to negociate it with sponsors.

Neither will be the case.

> Also, I don't like the idea of publicizing the raffle as
> a motivating factor to attend DC events. I can't find words now to
> express this, but it sounds to me a kind of legitimation of
> laziness,

Well put — this made me smile.

It made me smile because we are offering video coverage and we even
stream it live to the conference LAN. I've seen people intentionally
skip events, whether they don't want to walk over to the room or
because it's much nicer to sit outside and follow the stream.

I've also seen morning sessions practically empty because the night
was long and, well, everyone (but the speaker) can watch the video
later anyway.

So <cheeky>we should discontinue debconf-video and then we can
discuss whether a raffle makes DebConf legitimate laziness</cheeky>.

also sprach Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> [2014-09-11 05:29 +0200]:
> Thanks for bringing this up, Tiago.  I share your sentiment -- i'd
> rather that the raffle is done at a time when people are free and
> that explicitly doesn't conflict with scheduled activities, rather
> than use it as "bait" to convince people to come participate in an
> event.  If people are at an event just because they wanted to win
> a prize, i'm not sure that actually contributes much to the event
> itself.

I think it really depends on the type of event, doesn't it? What we
are proposing is an event that runs for a few minutes and helps the
organisers convey important messages.

> I think we should make it clear to sponsors that (a) raffles or
> other distracting time-specific events *must not* overlap with the
> scheduled talks, and (b) debconf attendees tend toward night-owl
> sides, so (depending on who you want to be visible to) you might
> want to encourage the scheduling of your raffle accordingly.

Clarification: we are not offering a raffle to sponsors. We are
offering to raffle off sponsor-provided gadgets at a time of our
choosing, during a well-defined time that does not conflict with any
of the real events.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
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