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Re: [Debconf-team] Bootstrapping the DebConf infrastructure team


Richard Hartmann <richih.mailinglist@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear all,
> in order to have a more specific idea of actual commitments, we would
> like to do a somewhat formal headcount of the infrastructure team.
> Please reply to this email, on-list or off-list, with the following.
> If off-list, please CC stefanor@debian.org :
> * Your home time zone


> * What you would be willing to work on

Networking (Videoteam if needed)

> * When you would be willing and able to start working
> * Likely changes in your availability
> * If you are planning to do on-site during DebConf work only/mainly

Mostly on-site, but helping with some planing prior to the event is OK

> Being honest with yourself and realistic in your time commitments
> helps us plan more precisely and reduces your self-induced stress
> levels. We prefer positive surprises when people have more time than
> planned rather than the other way round.
> If you have any todos or wishlist items for the infra team, please
> also reply to this email. Ideally, be somewhat specific, apply your
> own priority from one (low) to ten (high), and be verbose if your
> concern is non-obvious.

The two points I raise below are not specific to the infrastructure
team. They just got triggered by this mail. So they are not to be seen
as a critique on Richard but as general things we should keep in mind
and find a balance.

> You are welcome to also join #debconf-infra on irc.oftc.net; if you
> are planning to join the infra team, we would prefer if you stuck
> around either way even if you mostly idle.

Do we really need yet another IRC channel. I not sure if the tendency of
having per team IRC channels is really the direction we want to go.
Maybe we should just have these channels right before and during the
conference but not around the year.

> Finally, we will send out a questionnaire with possible meeting times;
> unless there are strong objections, we would like to hold those
> meetings bi-weekly after either the common team meeting on Monday or
> after the coordination team meeting on Thursday. This helps people who
> are in more than one team and also allows to pick up topics which may
> arise.

Do we really need that many meetings. The increased meeting frequency
since the summer has certainly helped to speed things up. But I'm not
sure if we are not overdoing it now. If you are in say two teams, then
there will be at least one if not two meetings per week now...

Other than that the proposed times are not worse than others for me.
I'll try to attend if I'm available but can't garantuee that I will be
at the meeting. My schedule varies from week to week.


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