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Re: [Debconf-team] [DC18] MEET TAIWAN gov't fund: restrictions on travel bursaries

On Sat, Nov 04, 2017 at 09:02:42PM -0400, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:

> > Nevertheless the speaker travel bursaries seems good but we need to
> > "invite" people.  How many do we plan to invite?  And whom should we
> > invite?
> As Gunnar pointed out on IRC, these are hard questions since there is no
> official content team at the moment.

Until the content team is formed, this seems like an opportunity or a
tool to try and make sure that there is at least one representative for
all significant teams at DebConf.

I mean, there are teams like ftp-master or DSA that a lot of other
Debian work depends on, and in a DebConf or a DebCamp without any
representative from one of those teams it would be harder to have a
whole range of discussions. I recall it happening a couple of times.

I think it would make sense to identify a list of such teams, and
reaching out to them in advance to check that some representative from
each is intending to go, and if not figure out what could be done so
that some representation can still happen.

It seems to me like a tool for inviting could help do the job.

The DPL seems to me like also a valid candidate for an invite, before
the content team happens.


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