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Upcoming DebConf Team Meetings

Hello, everyone!

Just a friendly reminder that we have our global IRC meeting coming up next

We adjusted the time slightly to accommodate my change in class schedule
(thank you!). The IRC meeting will be at Tuesday, April 8 @ 1830 UTC in
#debconf-team on OFTC. (This is intended to be 11:30 am PDT, just in case my
time conversion fu is not working.)

Our agenda can be found at the usual place[0]. Please take a moment to look
over last month's global Minutes[1] to ensure you've completed what you need
to from last month's action items.

If you haven't set up iCal[2], please consider doing so to keep up to date
on any schedule changes.

Thanks, loves!

[0] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf14/Meetings
[1] http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2014/debconf-team.2014-03-11-19.00.html
[2] http://www.debconf.org/calendars/DebConf-team.ics


Patty Langasek


At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be 
sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always 
there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your 
passion takes you.
                                --- J. Michael Straczynski

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