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Re: Kernel compile problem... (040 FPU Emulation)

On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 05:05:00PM +0100, Andreas Oeldenberger wrote:

> I recently succeeded compiling 2.2.10 on my potato-box by using the
> kernelsource form ftp.sunsite.auc.dk and applying some of the 2.95 fixes
> found in the kernel-patch-2.2.10-m68k_*.deb package in potato. So it
> _looks_ like it is possible to use gcc 2.95.
Thats good to hear! The 2.95 fixes are probably what I remember from the
linux-m68k list.

Might be a bit more difficult (for a beginner) to use than simply compiling
with gcc272, but do as you like. AFAIK gcc272 is still the recommended
compiler for kernel compiling, correct me if I am wrong.

Now where is the kernel-image for amiga/atari? Oups, vme has allready 2.2
images? Did we agree to use 2.2 in potato?

Read the FAQ!                     http://www.linux-m68k.org/faq/faq.html
Download the FAQ!   ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/Linux/680x0/FAQ/FAQ.gz
WHERE IS MY XF86CONFIG?????   http://www.debian.org/~cts/debian-m68k-faq

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