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Re: [linux-mac68k] Install mac68k woody

On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 04:20:33PM -0500, Paul Spilner wrote:
> >The default installation comes with pppoe support; but AFAIK, there is
> >no support for pppoe in the installer.
> Does the default installer is the one on the iso images ?


> I want to plug my 
> internet connection directly on my machine, does pppoe will work, or i can 
> install it by the tty2 with command lines ?

Both should work.

Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux -- http://www.debian.org
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie -- http://nl.linux.org
"Stop breathing down my neck." "My breathing is merely a simulation."
"So is my neck, stop it anyway!"
  -- Voyager's EMH versus the Prometheus' EMH, stardate 51462.

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