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Re: d-i testing w/mac

Eugen Paiuc a écrit :

Stephen R Marenka a écrit :

On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 04:20:23PM +0100, Eugen Paiuc wrote:
Eugen Paiuc a écrit :

Stephen R Marenka a écrit :

So, I use native-hd/initrd22.gz, and vmlinuz-2.2.25-mac on macintosh lc III,


Starting system log daemon: syslogd klogd.
Setting up Userspace DevFS:
Installation procced normal,  begin debootstrap download,
until package partman-partitioning.udeb  - at ~79%- and here  it stop,
with no errors message, kbd no more responding, but is not
competly out - Num loc is still working - and network is runing.
- ping  it's ok , but  download is  stoped.

It is still working but at maybe ~ 0.1 % of initial bogomips - previous was 6.1 bogomips -.
Network is ok,  same as initial.

Thanks ,

Eugen Paiuc

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