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Re: Trying the netinstall again on Atari Falcon


On 02/10/2018 02:07 PM, Stefan Niestegge wrote:
Am 10.02.2018 um 03:01 schrieb Michael Schmitz:
xserver needs support for the Atari pixel format (interleaved planes).
Shouldn't be too hard to do, but Xorg code probably isn't for the faint
of heart (I've certainly had enough to last me a lifetime).

so, remove Xorg and install old XFree86?

hmm. my supervidel supports 8-bit chunky as well as 16 bit (compatible
to the Falcon 320x200 "truecolor". we could also give Xorg what it
needs to be happy.

Or monochrome for larger resolutions?

Most of modern apps don't work that well with monochrome though.

	- Eero

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