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Re: My screen is unreadable because full of messages from brltty

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL, le Sun 06 Jun 2010 17:12:19 +0200, a écrit :
> (I don't know if someone saw this message on backports ml and I guess
> here is more adapted).

I'd guess nobody from debian-accessibility is subscribed to the
backports ml. Reporting on brltty@mielke.cc could be even more

> So far my logs were full of messages such as:
> brltty[1618]: input byte missing at offset 2 brltty[1618]: input byte
> missing at offset 1 brltty[1618]: input byte missing at offset 1 

This looks like a driver issue. You can reduce the level of log details
by adding

log-level error

in your brltty.conf. Did you try the 4.2 release?

> I precise that this bug only appears on a 32bits system, on amd64 only
> messages appear in log (it's a problem, but less critical).

I believe it's just a matter of differing syslog configuration.


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