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Re: [Support] [orca-list] sonar bersion based off of debian sid and wheezy


I see that Firefox and Thunderbird are installed, and thank you for that. I tried to set some keyboard shortcuts, like 'ctrl+alt+b' to launch the default browser. This didn't work. Next, I went to 'details' in GNOME Control Center, and discovered that there is no default browser defined, and mutt is defined for mail, with no way to change this default to thunderbird or set anything as default browser.


Dave  Hunt

On 12/26/2012 02:31 PM, Jonathan Nadeau wrote:
Sadly I didnt'  have these problems after installing. everything worked
fine for me on both versions. Oh also I forgot to let people know that
firefox and thunderbird are installed.

On 12/26/2012 10:57 AM, Dave Hunt wrote:

I gave the Sid version a spin, and find that it is the expected GNOME
3.4.2 experience, with speech and audio starting at boot-up;  very
nice!  The volume and mute toggle shortcuts work, though I'd move them
in an installation to hard drive.  My wifi would not connect to any of
the networks, though about 10 get listed in the menus; I tried one
secured and one open.  For the secured, I was never prompted for the
key; the open just didn't connect.  When exploring the GNOME control
center with the arrow keys, I found that I could not interrupt Orca's
speech.  I plan to play with this a little more on a wired network


Dave  H.

On 12/23/2012 09:04 AM, Jonathan Nadeau wrote:
Hello list,

There is a new version of Sonar now based off of Debian-Wheezy and also
Debian-Sid. I only made the 32 bit version but they are both using a pae
kernel so it will notice ore than 4 GB. Of ram. Here is a link to the

Also below are instructions for installing the sonar based Debian the
install is accessible but some of the fields don't read what you are
filling in or what you are saying yes or no to. I will have these
instructions on the sonar-project.org website at some point today.


Before you start the install you will want to start the orca preferences
and choose your keyboard layout.

Now press the windows key and type in the word live. This will bring up
the installer.

Then it says that the installer itself will use english and you choose
yes or no. After you tab to yes then press the spacebar.

Next you will choose extra locals to be installed. If you just want 1
language installed you can just press tab to next and press the

After this you will choose the default local for the installation. Arrow
through the choices and then tab to next and press the spacebar.

Now you will configure the keyboard configuaration. If you are using a
u.s. Keyboard you can press tab to next and then press the spacebar.

Next is setting up the keyboard layout. The default is u.s. Again if you
are using a u.s. Keyboard you can press tab and then the spacebar.
During this point of the installer you will have the option to set up
the kill x by pressing control, Alt and backspace. You will see this
option as you are tabbing through the menu. If you would like this
option just press the spacebar to check the box.

Next is creating your partition. Here it says if you already have your
partition set up you can press quit and you will quit gparted. Or if you
don't have any partitions set up yet you can press continue to open
gparted and start your partitioning.

You will arrow down and it will show your HDD. Here you will press enter
to choose your HDD.

Now you will arrow donw and it will show 3 partitions if you already
have been running a Gnu/Linux operating system. The first partition
should be the largest and this is the one you will want to format. Here
you will right click on this and arrow down to format. Press the right
arrow over and select the file system you would like to format your
partiton in. I recommend either x3 or x4. Now press enter to choose your
file format. Then tab or arrow until you see apply and press the
spacebar. Then it will ask if you are sure that you want to format and
press apply again to continue. This will take a few moments to format
your HDD.

After formatting you will want to tab and then press close. Now press
control q to quit gparted.

Arrow down until you see your hDD which will be labeled as sda.

Arrow down again and Then you will choose sda again.

Arrow down and Here you will choose your file system again either choose
x3 or x4 and press the spacebar.

You will arrown down and it will ask if you want root on home partition
this is the only choice so press the spacebar.

Here the first text box is to enter your root passward.

The next text box is to reenter your root password.

Next is to choose the full username.

Now you will choose the name of the user to create.

Here enter the password for the user it must be different from the root

You will enter your username password again here.

The last text box is to choose the host name of the computer.

Now it will be asking where do you want to place the master boot record.
It is set to mbr by default. Then you can press the spacebar.

Now it says that your system clock is set to your local time. Answering
no will set it to UTC. So choose yes or no and then press enter.

Now you will arrow throught the time zones and choose one and then press
the spacebar.

It will ask if you want to continue and you will press yes or no with
the arrow key and then press the spacebar on your choice.

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