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nearly connected wifi using orca

I have concluded with stretch testing this isn't possible. This was after trying all three interfaces gnome system X11 and gnome classic using a graphical user approach. I got to wifi network not connected and hit enter on that. Then tabbed to select wifi network and hit enter on that. So far, so good. Many panels showed up each with a possible wifi connection. I found the panel for the connection I needed and hit enter and as it was written by Shakespeare "all the rest was silence". The last thing I tried in a terminal with speakup as root was nmtui and that also failed even with all correct information supplied. Fortunately talkingarch did not fail since if it had, you wouldn't be reading this message and that's on the same connection and on the same machine. I found out the device field nmtui wants is phy with a number and in this case that was phy0. Interestingly when I supplied that device nmtui got the correct wlx... field that is shown by ip a and replaced phy0 with that device so I know that works. The wifi connection isn't static and maybe that's where nmtui had trouble since one of the fields had the connection as static when it ought to have been dynamic. That's the only thing I can figure how nmtui didn't work. What the story is with those silent panels I do not know.


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