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Re: orca on debian stretch testing

I have tested mate gnome and system-X11. I even did a debian install without desktop environment since I figured the desktop environment could be contriuting to this problem. On gnome, I did control-alt-tab to get to the top bar and tabbed over to system and selected network and internet inside system and was told I have no wifi connection so tabbed to select wifi network and opened that up. Then the bunch of panels came up each with an available network on it. I chose my panel and hit enter on the desired network and then everything went silent. Since debian post-install doesn't preserve configured wifi network it used to install the system I can't get to the internet with it. The last thing I may try next week is writing myself an /etc/network/interfaces file and use ifup and ifdown and see if I get the internet up. I know about iwgetid so can use the utility to get parameters for the interfaces file.

On Thu, 8 Dec 2016, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:

Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2016 01:58:46
From: MENGUAL Jean-Philippe <mengualjeanphi@free.fr>
To: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel@panix.com>, debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: orca on debian stretch testing


Can you remind me the panel problem? What desktop do xou use and what
Orca release do you use. On testing here, I don't experience your
problem. Do you use a braille display?

Best regards,

Le 08/12/2016 ? 02:11, Jude DaShiell a ?crit :
In addition to the problem I have with panels accessibility, the orca on
stretch testing only responds to the keyboard shortcuts to turn it on
and to turn it off.  Flat review and all other orca keystrokes do not
work. This second problem could be contributing to the first problem
since without those keystrokes available to do things with orca even if
orca could read panels with some different settings used there's no way
to get to them on this machine.  This relegates debian to the same
status as windows here; if I can't install it and fix it myself without
sighted assistance it won't be on my equipment.



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