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Re: Christian beliebers here using Debian


I'm Michael from Germany. While I'm very interested in accessibility, I don't have any special requirements for accessibility myself.

I'm occasionally using Xiphos or Bibletime on Debian. Both weren't fully accessible when I did a quick test with the Orca screen reader.

What are the use cases you want the Bible program to support?

For example, there is already a request for Bibletime to read out selectable portions of the Bible ( https://github.com/bibletime/bibletime/issues/5 ). If there are specific other use cases or problems you're running into, I'd suggest to ask for those in the issue trackers of the corresponding programs, so the developers can consider adding those features.

On 13/11/2021 19.16, David Hoff Jr wrote:
I use Debian and Slint. I'm in California in the USA. Have used Diatheke
in the console in Debian in the past, but unable to find any accessible Bible
program for the GUI Desktop. Also use Windows in my work and personal

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