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Re: Building gnat-4.8 using Ada-France monotone packaging scripts ?

David SAUVAGE - AdaLabs Ltd wrote:
I don't know which source I should use to build gnat-4.8,

it is
- the /usr/src/gcc-4.8/gcc-20130318-dfsg.tar.xz obtain using apt-get
  install gcc-4.8-source,
- the gcc-4.8_4.8-20130318.orig.tar.gz obtain using apt-get source
  gcc-4.8 ?

in both cases i got some errors, added to the attached file.

If you look closely, you can see that the debian/rules of gnat-4.8
extracts the sources from /usr/src/gcc-4.8/gcc-20130318-dfsg.tar.xz
obtained using apt-get install gcc-4.8-source.  So, that part is OK.

The problem is, as I feared, that the patches in org.debian.gnat-4.8
are now out of date relative to the sources in the package
gcc-4.8-source (this problem will disappear after GCC 4.8.0 is
officially released).

Try this while in the directory where you have checked
org.debian.gnat-4.8 out:

mtn pull mtn://www.ada-france.org?org.debian.gcc-4.8
mtn propagate org.debian.gcc-4.8 org.debian.gnat-4.8
mtn update

Hopefully there should be no conflicts, as only patches not relevant
to Ada should have changed in the branch org.debian.gcc-4.8.

I won't be anywhere near a computer this weekend but I'll be back next
week if you need further help.

Ludovic Brenta.

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