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Re: dtxtdb, further directions.

On Wed, Dec 03, 1997 at 09:41:55PM +0100, David Frey wrote:
> Hello collegues,
> I want your input concerning the future directions of my dtxtdb program.
> 1. Shall we move it from experimental to base and let it supersede
>    the cfgtool program (was it used by anybody?).


>    If yes: which future enhancements are necessary?

Make it required by policy. This is The Only Hope for getting anyone (and
everyone) to use it.

Apart from that, here are some features I would personally like to see:-

1. Seamless integration of conffiles into dtxtdb, i.e. if a particular
   variable is managed by dtxtdb, dpkg's conffiles should ignore any changes
   to it (in cases where it must be put directly into a script).
2. Configuration profiles with inheritance. So, for example, I can make three
   "configuration profiles", each modifying different parts, e.g. I might
   have the following profiles:-


The idea here is that I could export the configuration db to many machines,
and have each one select a group of configuration profiles, so, for example,
I could have several machines (all with the exact same hardware) with the
Hercules+Local_Customization+Network_Client profiles.

Also, integration of the configuration database into misc. bits and pieces
(like the init links) would be useful.

Another feature (although this a _very_ long term) would be a good rollback
system (maybe it could integrate at system boot).

> or
> 2. Do we want it to drop it altogether and wait for something better
>    (The Caldera Admintool, for example).

Can they be integrated?


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