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Re: The state of Intel compute/AI packages.

On 12-10-2023 20:47, Cordell Bloor wrote:
Hi Jakub,

Hello Cordell,

It's perhaps a bit off-topic, but why was that?

I don't want to pollute the list, so I'll try to be as concise as I can. Main reason is software support for Blender unfortunately. I have two gfx906, but this GPU is disabled since 9 months due to compiler bugs: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/104786 https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/commit/8e56ded86d6261e8a937ab6ca8d724f0f42814c2 Once this happened I started to look for for a replacement. Unfortunately RDNA2 has a nasty viewport bug that will break my multi-monitor workflow: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/100353 it looks more like platform problem, so not exactly ROCm realated. Considering all of this, I was unsure about RDNA3 future as well, as it had mixed reviews.

I was also hoping that HIP-RT in Blender would yield a substantial performance gains on RDNA2/3, but it was less than I expected. Additionally there is still no Linux support for HIP-RT after Windows support was done 9 months ago. According to Blender OpenData benchmark AMD has the lowest perf/$ comparing to the competition https://opendata.blender.org/. And without solid HIP-RT I have doubts it will change.

On a positive note I had a pretty good experience with Stable Diffusion once I set it up properly with official Pytorch+ROCm stack. I haven't experience any crashes or freezes when I stayed within recommended workflows. SD frontend devs also provided some VRAM optimizations for AMD hardware, so that was nice to see too. I still consider AMD a worthy buy because of VRAM and build quality, but the state of software support combined with the current perf/$ in Blender are a dealbreaker for me right now.

The Debian OpenCL Team appears to be fairly active [1] and the bug that you cited has now been fixed. While I can understand your concerns, this is not a strong argument.

I see it now, and I'm happy it was resolved. I was worried mainly because of the spam and lack of updates for a long time.

That (...) wouldn't really change what packages I could contribute to.
Completely understandable. I wish you all the best with completing ROCm packaging in Debian!

Best regards,
Jakub Jaszewski

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