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Re: Navi 12 on Debian (was: August ROCm Package Testing Results)

I'm just about to start preparing Navi 10/12/14 for the Debian CI, so I finally got around to reporting that Navi 12 bug [2].

On 2023-08-31 08:05, Christian Kastner wrote:
I've been meaning to initiate a discussion on how to best deal with test
failures. For example, rocsparse [1] fails one test on gfx1034, with a
result that ever so slightly exceeded the specified tolerance.

IMO, true failures should get a Debian bug report and be forwarded upstream (even if they're minor). The upstream project might reject the bug for being an unsupported configuration, but it's good to give the developers a heads-up and to have a record of it on the upstream repo's issue list.

On 2023-07-12 22:53, Cordell Bloor wrote:
I asked the developers ofamdgpu/kfd for some tips on writing a good report.

Their consensus was that the two most important things are to provide a reproducer (i.e., a clearly described method to reproduce the problem) and the full dmesg log (as it contains lots of info like kernel version, VBIOS version, etc).
One method that would be very simple for us to implement would be to
extend the test runner (usually debian/tests/upstream-binaries) to
include dmesg output as a test artifact. That would give us a test
binary (from -tests) and the log.

Good idea.

Cory Bloor

[2]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/2956

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