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Re: HIP ISA Compatibility Unlocked

Hi Gavin,

On 2024-02-21 07:35, Gavin Zhao wrote:
Hi Cory,

This is Gavin. I messaged you a few weeks ago regarding the possibility of upstreaming patches that extends HIP ISA compatibility.

Recently, I was able to patch ROCm-CompilerSupport, rocBLAS, MIOpen, and rocFFT so that combining with your patches to the HIP runtime, I can run Stable Diffusion (PyTorch) and llama.cpp on my RX6600M (gfx1032) without HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION. Hopefully these efforts would help Debian and other distros to also get this compatibility support as well.
My patches are uploaded to my personal GitHub fork GZGavinZhao/<component-name> with branch name solus-rocm-<version>. So, the patches for rocBLAS 6.0 are in the solus-rocm-6.0.0 branch of GZGavinZhao/rocBLAS.

Please note that these patches haven't been thoroughly tested and the ROCm 6.0 packages are not in Solus's repo yet, so please let me know if there are any issues. In addition, the patches may need to be adapted to ROCm 5.7 since ROCm 6.0 doesn't have the int gcnArch as a member of hipDeviceProp_t, instead it has the string gcnArchName, which complicates the arch coercion logic a bit. ROCm 6.0 also requires an additional patch to ROCm-CompilerSupport, so you may want to double check if 5.7 needs that too.

Lastly, I have a working PR for sccache that can cache HIP compilations. Combining with a patch for HIPCC I was able to greatly speed up my workflow by exporting the environment variable HIP_CLANG_LAUNCHER=sccache so that I can rapidly edit, clean, and rebuild. I'm not too familiar with how Debian packaging works, but if you've also been bothered by the long compilation times hopefully this can help.

Have a great day :)


P.S. I'm not sure if the rocFFT patch is even needed because rocFFT has an "any" fallback arch. Perhaps the patch would allow rocFFT to select the most optimal algorithm instead of the generic fallback one but I haven't benchmarked it.

Thanks for the information. I'm sharing this message with the Debian AI mailing list as per our discussion, because I think your patches are highly relevant to the interests of the Debian ROCm Team.

I'm a little overwhelmed with work at the moment, but you're touching on a lot of areas that I've been studying over the past few years. I can provide a lot of feedback once I have a moment to take a breath and organize my thoughts.

Cory Bloor

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