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Re: Hows Alphadebian doing?

On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Gerhard Poul wrote:

> yes... the packages seem to be good... but I don't see any maintainers
> here which are working on new packages or who are discussing
> something... ???!! Seems to me like a really dead distribution...
> that's one of the main problems I have...

	Out of curiousity, how long have you been subscribed to the
debian-alpha list? Must not be too long, otherwise you would have seen
plenty of traffic in the past few months. I think that there are two
reasons why the traffic on this list is rather low currently:

	1. It is the holidays, as in Christmas and New Years, and even us
computer geeks like to take some time off at least once a year. Wait a
week (or less) and traffic will probably pick up.

	2. The alpha distrib is currently frozen, and might even be in
deep freeze. That means just bugs are being fixed and a few last issues
being cleaned up, no major development is occuring at the moment. It
shouldn't be long until a (first) release version of debian for alpha
appears, and CDs should soon follow.

	Add to that most of the development activity with debian is not
alpha specific, and therefore there is lots of disscussion in debian-devel
that applies to alpha as well. Also, I just saw today a number of
new/updated alpha debian packages posted. The distribution is far from
dead, just taking a holiday and then getting ready to release.
	As for the distrib itself, I feel that it is quite good, better
than RedHat's. And as for the install process, I didn't find it very
difficult at all for either a UDB or an XLT366 that I installed Debian on,
and that was even last summer. Anyway, I always liked a good challenge,
something to keep life from getting too boring. :)
	Overall, the alpha platform is not nearly as mature as i386, but
it has come a long way, so I would suggest that you take a closer look
before you start attacking Linux/Alpha of any distrib. Also, the way in
which things are developed for debian is a bit different than othe
distribs, and it takes a little getting used to. But after using debian
and lurking on the mailing list for six months, I am quite convinced that
Debian is one of the best distribs for Linux.
	I would just suggest you take a little more time to get to know
Debian-Alpha, and let things get back to normal after the holidays before
you jump to any rash judgements. I have always found the debian-alpha
developers to be helpful (thanks to all those developers out there :), so
if you have a specific question, concern, or problems, post it, and I am
sure they will be only too glad to help you out.
	That's my two cents (and then some). Happy New Year!

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                     |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)    |
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | rkirkpat@nag.cs.colorado.edu  |
|               http://www-ugrad.cs.colorado.edu/~rkirkpat/                |

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