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Re: Hamm on UDB?

Loic -

I downloaded your UDB rescue/drivers disks, saved them to a floppy using
'rawrite2 -d a -f resc1440.bin', and tried the rescue disk.  I've been
using a milo that was previously installed for Redhat, so I don't have any
trouble getting to that.  One problem that I had is that I don't know the
exact parameters to pass to boot.  I started with what I had used from the
previous Redhat installation.  Here are my 3 attempts, I think the last one
is probably closest but still not correct:
note: each attempt also had 'rw root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1
prompt_ramdisk=1 ramdisk_size=5120' added to the end)

>boot fd0:vmlinux.gz ...
ext2_mount:bad magic 0x17c1
milo:failed to load the kernel

>boot -t msdos fd0:vmlinux.gz ...
kernel:unaligned trap at fffffc0000576b78:fffffc000003fa79 29 2
[MS-DOS FS Rel. 12, FAT]
transaction block size=512
MSDOS:No such file
Milo:failed to load the kernel

>boot -t msdos fd0:linux
[MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT]
transaction block size=512
Bad filehdr magic number 0x8b1f should be 0x183

As a side note, I am able to boot and load your root.bin with a
resc1440.bin floppy I got from ftp.debian.org.  I am then able to do all
the installation except the 'install the kernel and modules' step which
gives me an error when trying to mount the floppy.  The error is the same
whether I'm using your resc1440.bin or the resc1440.bin from ftp.debian.org

I hope I've provided some useful information.
Thanks again for your help,


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