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Re: Alpha Linux WebSite

Rich, and everyone,

though unfortunately very inactive recently, I'm still the maintainer of
the FAQ.
The last update was sometime this spring, after that I've been very busy
with other things, all summer, and catching up with still other matters
after that.
Next friday I'll pass my final two exams for MCSE, which should keep by
boss happy for a while, and let my own time be my own again.

So an updated FAQ should appear within 2 weeks.

I've planned to add links to the many new sites relating to Linux/Alpha,
and possibly add a seperate chapter on the AS200, as there seem to be a lot
of those around lately.

Please everyone, send additional suggestions to <geerten@bart.nl>. I'll
start sorting them out over the weekend.


At 20:53 01/11/98 -0500, Rich Payne wrote:
>Does anybody here have an email address for the maintainers of
>the azstarnet.com AlphaLinux site? I've sent mail to them using the address
>on the web page, but never received a reply. I'm looking to update the FAQ
>various other docs and would like to migrate them to alphalinux.org. 

Geerten Kuiper            |  "It is customary to append a signature or 
Corn. Houtmanstraat 113   |   .sig to a mail message, usually containing 
2593 RG   Den Haag        |   information on the author, along with a 
Nederland                 |   joke or a motto."
                          |                                Olaf Kirch
                          |        LINUX Network Administrators Guide

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