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RE: can't install on my alphastation 200 4/233 (Avanti) - di

> I don't know if Linux/Debian can expand a logical filesystem (I think
> I've been very spoiled by AIX and the smit tool, which has a nice menu
> interface for all sorts of system configuration changes.)  I installed
> RH 5.1 Intel about 5 times before I left it alone, so I don't consider
> any "fixed" yet. 

Spoiled indeed!  8^)  AIX's smit tool FS manipulation is unique to my
knowledge. There was some talk about being able to manipulate filesystems
in said manner. I may be mistaken, but it is a goal for the 2.3 kernel. 
(Many months, probably at least a year away.)  In the mean time, Partition
Magic 4.0 (for Intel only) is pretty much the only way to split, combine,
and otherwise mangle filesystems.  

Scott Lewis   
Computer Support
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
scott.lewis@ce.gatech.edu   (404) 894-2210

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