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Re: Package builds for potato

On Mon 08 Mar 1999, Christopher C Chimelis wrote:

> FYI, I should be uploading final glibc 2.1 debs this week.  I have a few
> packages to compile before doing so, however (egcs, ncurses, bash, etc).
> Final go-ahead and announcement will be handled by Joel when he's got
> every arch's glibc 2.1 debs.
> Anyway, on to the point...
> We may want to hold off on uploading anything else for the time being
> since alot of things will end up getting recompiled against glibc 2.1.

OK, I've suspended generating my daily diff for the time being,
as it doesn't really serve any purpose until you give the go-ahead.

For those who don't know what I mean: I generate a daily list of
differences compared to the i386 distribution. This is available via a
mailing list, and made available on
http://master.debian.org/~paul/alpha/diff/ (instructions for the mailing
list are also to be found there).

BTW, Chris, maybe you could link the above url somewhere on the Alpha
pages? Might be useful for (wannabe) developers (and interested
Debian/Alpha users).

Paul Slootman
home: paul@wurtel.demon.nl | work: paul@murphy.nl | debian: paul@debian.org
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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