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Re: Writing CD on alpha

> But another question: is it only me or are there 'unaligned traps' in
> cdrecord?? Is there someone working on removing them?? or are they removed
> in the new version?? 

Humm, I posted about this before...  What are using?  I used to run RedHat
a while ago and cdrecord used to give unaligned traps, but then I upgraded
to debain and recompiled it and the traps went away.  Could have been the
compiler, libs, I'm not really sure, but I'll put the cdrecord binary 
(and mkisofs) or the source tar I used on my website if you want so you
can see if it still gives traps on your system.

> oh... the new version of cdrecord (which is currently only available on the
> cdrecord homepage) will be done on next weekend... (cdrecord maintainer told
> me that)

Cool, thanks for the info...

I love burning on Alpha/Linux, never had a buffer underun at 4x
write, even while compiling (like you said about compiling the kernel).
My PC gave buffer underuns at 1x sometimes, had to shut off Windows
swapfile so it would be reliable.


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