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Re: People needed to recompile packages for stable!

On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 10:43:15PM -0500, Christian Hudon wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd need the name and email addresses of people who are willing to
> recompile packages on the alpha for stable.

Martin Lucina, <mato@kotelna.sk>. I have an AS 200 which will stay with stable
for quite a while. My only limitation at the moment is modem bandwidth, this
box is at home and I only have 28.8k.

You will have probably seen my other posts from my work address
<mato@nz.eds.com> on the debian-alpha list. I am not a Debian Developer, do I
need to become one in order to help?

Contrary to the headers, I am in fact in Wellington, New Zealand.               
Check http://www.kotelna.sk/mato/contact.html for my PGP key.                   

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