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Re: 21174 Manual - where ?

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, T. Weyergraf wrote:

> The Digital link is still active and contains about the same stuff as the new
> Compaq Link. Thanks anyway for that one, since I assume the Digital stuff will not be
> there forever.
> However, even the Compaq link does not carry the docs on the 21174. It only
> shows 21172. No go in current or in the archives. Either I am stupid ( which is sometimes
> a reasonable assumption ;-), or it's really not there. I checked Api Inc's website, but they
> do not seem to carry any chipset docs at all :-(
> Is there some obscure secret hidden in the 21174 ?

Actually, no...let me see...I thought I had them SOMEWHERE....I'll dig
around....if I find something, I'll forward it to you (sorry, I thought
you were looking for the 21172 docs initially).

> I checked, and it's not updated, but still points to the vaild digital site.

Ok, I'll fix this in a few minutes.  The pages should be updated in a day
or two.

> I hereby let you know :-).



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