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Re: kreversi and flightgear

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have noticed that kreversi stopped working a few weeks ago and have
> submitted a patch to the KDE bug system and some of the debian maintainers.
> For those interested the patch is included with this mail.
>   Also I noticed that flightgear (fgfs) fails nastilly on my Alpha; it looks
> to me like the data files were generated by a 32 bit machine yet the parser
> reads 'long' values.

Flightgear needs some serious help.  I started to work on it, but can't
anymore since I don't have the UP2000 to compile on (the SX takes
FOREVER to compile it).  I had it displaying the splash screen during my
last attempt, but it was bombing when reading scenery.  I'll see if I
still have a patch somewhere to get it at least that far (think I do).

FYI, I'm also working on getting GNAT built, but it's an exercise in
patience (which I lack).  I need to get another drive in this beast and
install Tru64 on it since the i386 cross-compile just didn't work out and
I think it has something to do with the 32->64 bit problems.

If anyone has a Tru64 machine that they can loan me some cycles on, I
would greatly appreciate it since it would save me a ton of time tearing
my machine apart.  Write me off-list if you have an offer :-)

>   I sent mail to Iven Moore a few weeks ago about the kreversi problem
> and haven't heard anything back from him (although previously he was quite
> chatty)

I'm sure he'll pick up on this mail, but I'll ask him about it just in

>   So I'm wondering if there is an email problem or whether these guys are
> just away at the mo.

Ivan's been a pretty busy fellow lately.  Him and I have been working on
getting Kamera compiled with the rest of kdegraphics (I had to ITP and 
package libgpio in a day to get this going).  We've hit some wrinkles,
though, and I know he's also been busy working on a better prelink for KDE
as well.


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