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Re: Source dependencies

Hello !
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 12:20:57AM -0500, Richard Fillion wrote:
> Someone suggested that i do 'apt-get source x-window-system' and build
> the sources it gave me with 'dpkg-makepackage' but then i run into a
> source version of dependency hell.  XF wants groff, groff wants so and
> so......  Is there any easier way?  I _really_ want to be able to build
> XFree86 here.

Well, you'll need some packages to build XFree, simply cd into the
directory where XFree is unpacked and run


This display all unsatisfied build dependencies which you then install
via apt-get. There is a switch to ignore the build dependencies, but
you can be sure if XFree needs groff and groff is not installed, XFree
will not build. There is no "hell", just plain dependencies. If you
cannot satisfy some dependencies (which I doubt), then you *might*
speak of trouble and do file an bug report (if none is present).



Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               Helge.Kreutzmann@itp.uni-hannover.de
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