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Re: scsi controller

> I don't know, but I think it's trivial. If I remember well, fdisk shows
> the drive data under the expert menu, so ...
> fdisk /dev/sdb
> x (go to expert menu)
> e (edit drive data)
> the first question is bytes/sector
> Please let us know if it works :)

Khmm... I won't have any problems, if I'd have a /dev/sdb.

The present situation:

monster4:~# fdisk /dev/sdb

Unable to open /dev/sdb

Anywhere else I should look?

To summarize the previous "results":

- I can't start the scsi controller utilities during bootup (ctrl-a does
not work)

- Kernel says:

sdb : unsupported sector size 522.
scsi : deleting disk entry.

- any of the /dev/sg* devices does not point to this drive (at least
according to scsiinfo)


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