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SCSI speed


I am only posting this because I have no idea where else to ask. If this
is not Alpha-specific enough, please point me to another forum...

I have an Alpha XL 366 machine running Debian Woody testing/unstable,
with kernel 2.4.22-1 (just installed it today). While doing some
maintenance on my machine, booting from the Debian installation
floppies, I noticed in the kernel's boot messages that my SCSI disks had
a 10 MBPS transfer rate (normal for fast SCSI-2 I believe). Then, when
rebooting my 2.4 kernel from the hard drive, a similar kernel boot
message told me that now, they were only going at 5 MBPS...

The particular maintenance I was doing was moving some partitions
around, which involved moving files from one disk to another a lot. I
did notice a difference in speed between moving a certain quantity of
data when booted from the hard drive, as opposed to when booted from the
boot disks. Maybe not half, but still a nice difference.

So my question is, why is the latest kernel giving me only 5 MBPS? Is
there a configuration setting I need to turn on in the kernel or in some
config file? I tried looking around, but I can't find anything specific
to my particular circumstances...

Thanks in advance,


Jean-Sébastien Guay                    jean_seb@videotron.ca

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