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Re: Sarge Alpha Install

| There's an 'expert' mode which prompts before loading drivers.  On
| i386 you can get to it by typing "expert" on the lilo prompt but I
| don't think there's an easy equivalent on alpha.  You'll need to
| manually enter the kernel command line, putting "DEBCONF_PRIORITY=low"
| on the end.

Thank you thank you thank you, that's exactly what I needed.

It is fairly easy to do in Alpha. Normally you boot the installer system
with a:
show device (shows you the SRM notation for your devices...I always forget
what my CDROM is....)
boot dkb0 -flags 0

The -flags 0 part passes 0 to aboot, which then loads precinfigured image
0. If you drop the flags, you'll find yourself at a aboot prompt where you
can hit l to show the preconfigured images, hit b 1/<insert kernel stuff
here>, and hit enter.

If that all sounds confusing, you're right. Welcome to the world of
alphas. :)

Andrew S. Zbikowski | http://www.ringworld.org
 A password is like your underwear; Change it
 frequently, don't share it with others, and
     don't ask to borrow someone else's.

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