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Re: Radeon 7000 Vs 9200

Oops, I meant a 9250...

On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Jay Estabrook wrote:
On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 07:19:05PM -0400, Ivan Jager wrote:
I have a DPWS 433au. I Currently have a Millenium 2 card in it, but I'd
like to something with DRI support. I know these boxen are rather picky
about graphics cards. (Some don't work in SRM at all, others only in the
32 bit slots, and some work in all slots.)

Has anyone tried a Radeon 9200 in a Miata? Could you tell me to what
extent it worked? How about a Radeon 7000?

To make SRM accept cards it doesn't recognize in the 64-bit slots, do:

	>>> set pci_device_override -1

I'll try that next time I drop a card in. Thanks. :)

Haven't tried a Radeon 9200 at all, but a Radeon 7500 should work fine
in the MIATA. Also, a Radeon 9100 has been fine in many boxes, though
I can't remember if I've tried it in anything but ones with EV6.

I had problems with 7000 under X in several boxes, though SRM didn't
have any problems with it. It seemed somewhat "crippled", compared to
7500 and 9100, performing poorly in comparison, besides hanging
several boxes HARD... :-(

Ok, I think I'll be going for the 9250.

BTW, 9250 seems to be the latest (last?) PCI card I've seen; and it,
along with 9200, can be had in 64-bit memory bus versions which will
perform poorly compared to their 128-bit bus brethren, so be careful
of the details...

Thanks for the heads up. The card I was looking at does look like the 128 bit version at http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/radeon/sapphire-10.html so I guess that's good. (Although I'll check for the 9200s now that I know they are actually faster...)

Oh, and if you can find an old Voodoo3 3000 PCI, those are QUITE nice,
and work under SRM, and perform well... :-)

I had one in Paraguay, in a box that could have taken an AGP card... My dad has it now, but shiping him an AGP card to replace it with would be expensive, if it even makes it there...


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