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Re: sid, problem

From: Dr Gavin Seddon <gavin.m.seddon@man.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 09:18:01AM +0000
> Hi,
> I thought I'd give sid a try.  Now Galeon keeps crashing.  So I thought
> I'd go back to sarge but it wouldn't upgrade.  So I put the sid sources
> back and I cannot run apt-get update, it persists in telling me to run
> apt-get update.
> Pls, what's goin' on?
Good question - but not enough information.

I think at least the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of
apt-get update would be nice (use script to get the output).

Good luck,
We live with missiles and the armaments cache
With rewritten histories and a fictional past
And though some of us still have questions to ask
This ship, she sails without a captain
	New Model Army - Masterrace
Debian (Unstable) GNU/Linux 2.6.14-rc2-mm2 2x4804 bogomips 0.20

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