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Re: Fortran Binary files AMD64 x i686

Marcelo Vitola wrote:

Probably I was not clear in my question. I running a numerical model of Computational fluid dynamic (CFD )in different computer (Athlon 64 and Pentium IV). I would like to start them with the same initial binary file, what was created in the AMD64. This is my problem. When I use cray I need to convert the binary file from bigendian to little end to use it in the pentiumIV . What I would like to know is if this is necessary to do with the AMD64.

On 10/11/05, *Jo Shields* <jo.shields@comlab.ox.ac.uk <mailto:jo.shields@comlab.ox.ac.uk>> wrote:

    Marcelo Vitola wrote:

    > Dear list,
    >  I have some problems with a FORTRAN binary file creates in amd64
    > (kernel 2.6.8-11-amd64-k8, g77 version 3.3.5) when I try to read
    it in
    > a Pentium IV (kernel 2.6.8-2-686, g77 version 3.3.5). Someone
    knows if
    > is this normal? There is some  way to solve this problem?
    > --
    > Marcelo Vitola

    Erm... this might seem like a stupid question, but if you're compiling
    amd64-only code, why would the compiled code run on a 32-bit cpu? It's
    not going to work any more than SPARC binaries on ARM

Marcelo Vitola

AMD64 chips can execute normal i686 code seamlessly - your issue comes in compiling some. It seems g77 on debian isn't set up to allow cross-compiling, so you'll need a 32-bit distro or 32-bit chroot on the AMD64 machine, in order to compile i686-compatible code. the resultant binary will be fine on amd64 or i686, with appropriate libraries in place

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