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adm64 and multiarch


sorry if this email is a bit off topic, but still enough to ask I think.

What is the status of multiarch and debian (specifically amd64 port).

I like lots of other  users have migrated to amd64, I am finding it a
bit of a pain to get some legacy software and even new stuff to work on
my machines.

Usually it invovles me having to manually install some i386 lib
somewhere under the program directory setting up a script to change the

This works, but is a pain to maintain

I don't like the idea of chroot'ing

My big hurdle to jump next is OO 2.x

I have had a look around debian.org for multiarch and there seem like
there was some work done back in 04 talk about it has been vary sparce.

Also looked around for OO on x86_64, this is also a bit here and a bit
there, I reliase there are only a small amount of poeple working on it.
But I would have thought this is a majour show stopper.


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