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Re: Etch Upgrade Puzzle

On Saturday 03 June 2006 10:42 am, Carl Brown wrote:
> I just switched my sources.list over to the new mirrors, using:
> deb ftp://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
> deb-src ftp://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
> apt-get upgrade says:
> 837 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 504 not upgraded.
> Among the packages held back are:
> x-window-system-core, kde*, and gnome*.
> So I think that it might be time for a dist-upgrade due to the excessive
> number of held back packages.
> But apt-get dist-upgrade says:
> 1136 upgraded, 111 newly installed, 157 to remove and 153 not upgraded.
> Among the packages to remove are:
> gnome-core kde-core kdebase x-window-system x-window-system-core
> xfree86-common xserver-common xserver-xfree86 xserver-xorg
> Obviously I don't want to do that!
> Any ideas about what could be causing this?

I had the same issue - it is because gnome and kde are not yet complete in 
etch. Consequently, I did the etch install, then did 

aptitude -t stable install kde 

(should be the same principle for gnome), and ended up with a working (but 
older!) kde on an installation that is fundamentally etch. 

Beware, however, that this would mean you may have some issues with things 
like KOffice (older version), OpenOffice.org (only version I can get to work 
is experimental, and then only Writer, but supposedly there is a chroot 32bit 
version that works - I just found dead links), and AbiWord (crashes for me - 
and others have put this on the bug report - 100% of the time when you click 
the "Print" button).


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