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Re: Hup,hup Debian AMD64, Hup, hup

On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 11:53:44AM +0000, Dimitris Lampridis wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> just installed Etch yesterday on my AMDx2 and I must say i'm very impressed. 
> I've been using Gentoo64 since i first bought the computer (before that i was 
> a very happy and proud debian32 user), and the difference I see is huge. 
> Debian is SO much faster- and mind you I was the typical "naughty" gentoo guy 
> that optimizes anything on his path.
> I thought I'd say hello to everybody, share my experiences and of course, ask 
> some questions :)
> - It seems to me that Debian has changed somehow its "policy"? One thing I 
> enjoyed about Gentoo was the immediate availability of new releases, and I 
> was reluctant to return to Debian, knowing that it takes a lot of time until 
> a new release hits the repositories (a fact that I respect, seeing the 
> quality of official deb packages). But a quick check revealed that Etch has 
> modular X, gcc4 and KDE 3.5.3 to name a few. Wow!

Etch is not frozen yet.  It is still under development, so yes most
things are quite up to date, although of course unstable has even newer
stuff, but isn't going to be a stable release ever.  I think it actually
looks like releasing etch by the end of the year could happen.  Might be
the first time debian ever gets a release done on schedule.

>  - Since i've seen a similar thread going on, i'll just state that I've chosen 
> XFS and it seems to be working smooth and fast, faster than other filesystems 
> i've seen and used. Its not a scientific conclusion (...), and i'm sure XFS 
> has its drawbacks. But if anybody is thinking of going for XFS, I give my 
> vote for sure. I have a software RAID 0 on 2 beautiful WD raptors and XFS is 
> flying high :)

If XFS works, that is great.  I run it with no problems on my desktop
machine, but I moved the servers to ext3 due to some XFS related bugs in
2.6.[2-10] range.  I believe they have since been fixed, but I don't
feel like converting everything back again.

> - I tried the latest daily-build of the installer, "netinst" CD, thought I 
> would help a little bit with the effort, but it was a mess. I gave up after 
> many attempts at the partitioning step, cause the installer did not prompt me 
> for filesystem types, nor mount points. I reverted to the Etch beta 2 
> netinst, had some problems with the mirrors but at some point I found a 
> mirror in Austria that had the Etch files and it worked. Suppose it has 
> something to do with the AMD64 port being moved to the main archive (saw the 
> announcement after I had made the installation...)
> - Speaking of moving the port to the main archive, I'm missing a lot of 
> packages. APT knows about them because of dependencies, but there is no 
> candidate. I'll just name "mysql" and "nvidia" drivers, but i think the list 
> is quite long, I'm just setting up my PC and discovering them one after the 
> other. Is this because of moving the archive? my sources.list is simply:

Since amd64 only became an official debian architecture fairly recently,
some packages have not managed to work through the system to enter it
yet, since every package so far has had to go through the unstable
upload, testing, and then migration to etch.  At least X is there now,
as is KDE and most other big things.  nvidia is non-free which means it
won't auto migrate.  Someone has to go decide to migrate it.

> deb     http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
> deb-src http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
> deb     http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free
> deb-src http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free
> - I'm experiencing often segfaults. I've seen the AMD64 FAQ but I don't know 
> if 5-10 random segfaults per day is normal... "Random" means, that its not 
> the same application always (ranges from apt to KDE apps), and it usualy 
> works if I try again (example click Konqueror -> crash -> try again-> works). 
> I did my memtest, nothing there... Maybe you can help me pinpoint the trouble 
> and then I can file a bug report. I'm willing to provide as much info as 
> possible about this, but I don't know where to start, so just ask :)

I thought that was normal for KDE programs. :)  Does it happen to
anything not KDE related?

> Anyway, thanx again for the most wonderful distribution, it just made the 
> money I've spent on my PC worthwhile

Len Sorensen

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