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Re: i386 or amd64?

On 10/8/06, dtutty@porchlight.ca <dtutty@porchlight.ca> wrote:
Other than non-free stuff like flash and openoffice,
is there anything in the main section of i386 that isn't in the main
section of AMD64?

A few minor things are missing, such as memtest86, partimage, and of
course wine. Also note that most java-packages come without the plugin
in 64bit.

In other words, what are people having to use a chroot i386 for?

Closed software such as acrobat reader, flash, skype, vmware, picasa,
googleearth etc. Most can be installed without a change root, but that
is a bit of a struggle.

Since you have only 1 GB of RAM, you can go with i386 without any
obvious penalty. With amd64 you can get a little bit more performance,
but you are also more likely to run into problems, such as the ones
mentioned here.


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