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Re: Fw: Re: Problems installing amd64 with Supermicro motherboard

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 09:49:02AM -0700, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> Reconfiguring (accepting automatic detection) worked fine indeed. Thanks. (ATI card)
> Not only. Now dhclient connects to network!

Odd, not sure how those could be related.

> At this point I can resume molecular dynamics with the machine. However, inf still wise to change to lenny, where to learn how to carry out correctly a debootstrap? Is it safe to save on another computer /usr/local where amber9 dock6 dms openmpi-1.2.3 nwchem are installed 

If you have Etch installed, just upgrade normally to Lenny by changing
/etc/apt/sources.list from etch or stable to lenny, then do apt-get
update and apt-get dist-upgrade.

debootstrap often doesn't work reliably except for stable anyhow, so you
would essentially have to debootstrap etch, then dist-upgrade that to
lenny anyhow.

> and /opt/intel
> where the intel compilers for the above programs are installed?
> Thanks for your precious instructions. Actually, I have acknowledged with thanks your great help in compiling mpqc with libint in a publication
> F. Pietra "Why colchicine does not show mutarotation. With M05-2X density functional in the realm of tricky natural products" J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2007, 20, 1102-1107

Neat (not that I can actually read it without buying it I guess). :)

Len Sorensen

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