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Re: laser printer that is very reliable that runs well under debian.....

On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 04:21:43PM +0000, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> I bought a Samsung ML-2510 laser printer a while ago and drove it under Debian Etch and now Lenny.
> It seems to have developed a fault of some sort.
> The manufacturer says that I can run diagnostic software under either Linux (so it says) or MSWindows that might give me a hint as to why it is freezing up.
> I don't think it is a paper jam.
> I could mess around with this but I am very busy.
> So very busy that it is cheaper in time and money to simply buy a new printer to solve the problem.
> The printer cost me $100 or so.
> If I spent e.g. $1000 on a printer solely with the intent of finding one that is very reliable that Lenny will drive well and smell  malfunctions and diagnose what they are really well (better still the printer itself has a display on it that gives copious details of any error on it indepedently of the operating system that is driving it that anyone could understand quickly), what printer would you recommend?????
> I am beginning to understand why people buy printers from Xerox etc.

Well if I was buying a laser printer I would get the xerox 6130 or 6180,
since both have network support built in along with postscript 3
natively.  If it does postscript natively you can't go wrong.  Do wotch
out for the cheaters that just claim postscript support in their windows
or Mac driver which of course doesn't mean anything.  The 6125 on the
other hand does NOT have a print engine and doesn't do postscript and
only works with windows.  So no need to spend a $1000, about 350 to 400
should do.  As for diagnostics, the xerox printers have a web server
built in that gives you all the info you could want about what they are

So far I have been very impressed by the xerox laser printers.  My
father uses a 6300 which has been great, and we use a 7400 at work which
is a great printer (but much more expensive and a lot bigger).

Len Sorensen

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