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Re: Having trouble establishing IP masquerading

On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 12:10:30PM +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I've been IP masquerading for years. But now my Pentium front-end machine 
> has bit the dust, and I'm setting up my server to do the masquerading 
> itself.
> It's and AMD65 running Debian lenny:
> hendrik@lovesong:~$ uname -a
> Linux lovesong 2.6.30-1-486 #1 Mon Aug 3 15:05:33 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
> hendrik@lovesong:~$ 
> I've been more-or-less following the instructions in 
> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/firewall-examples.html
> but nothing seems to work.  I wondered it perhaps the modules weren't 
> being loaded, so I did lsmod.  INstead of the modules I requested, whose 
> names started with ip_, I have another set of modules with similar names 
> starting with nf_.  Is this relevant?
> The script I'm using to start IP forwarding is as follows:

Personally I really like shorewall for managing iptables.  You write a
couple of simple shorewall rules, and it takes care of all the details.

It is really quite handy.

Len Sorensen

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