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Bug#229117: apache2-common: multiple instances of apache

 > The security benefits of the experimental perchild module can be
> approximated by running multiple instances of apache2,

you can't run two instances of apache on the same server using the same port

as it's always been possible to run multiple copies of apache as different users, being able to run them all off the same port is the major benefit the perchild core brings to apache

> so I'd like to
> do that.  It appears non-trivial with the current Debian scripts and
> configuration.  If there is in fact an easy way to do it, it would be
> nice to have this documented somewhere.

you would need to copy the apache config file to another location, and change the port number, scoreboard file locaiton, any lock file locations etc

Then you run apache using your alternate config file:

aapche2 -f /path/to/newhttpd.conf

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