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Bug#444048: apache2: CGI scripts entirely broken

root@rofl:~# strace -f /etc/init.d/apache2 start 2>&1 |fgrep test.pl
[pid 18057] read(19, "GET /cgi-bin/test.pl HTTP/1.1\r\nH"..., 8000) = 422
[pid 18056] read(19, "GET /cgi-bin/test.pl HTTP/1.1\r\nH"..., 8000) = 418
[pid 18056] stat64("/home/nick/public_html
/cgi-bin/test.pl", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0777, st_size=60, ...}) = 0
[pid 18056] open("/home/nick/public_html/cgi-bin/test.pl/.htaccess", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 ENOTDIR (Not a directory)

as for how the site points, here is how it's handled (i've replaced my IP and domain for security reasons):

ServerName domain.com
ServerAlias domain.com
DocumentRoot /home/nick/public_html
CustomLog     /home/nick/access_log combined
ScriptLog     /home/nick/script_log

And in case it was missed, in my public_html directory there is a .htaccess file which contains the following:
addhandler cgi-script .pl

On 9/25/07, Stefan Fritsch <sf@sfritsch.de> wrote:
On Tuesday 25 September 2007, Nick Price wrote:
> I had 755 set, but I tried 777 as well on the scripts.
> As for the directory, it is physically located under my public_html
> directory in my ~, and I use .htaccess with addhandler cgi-script
> .pl As user www-data i can execute the script.

Try starting apache with

strace -f /etc/init.d/apache2 start 2>&1 |fgrep test.pl

(test.pl being the name of your script, of course) and do the request.
What ist the output? You might have to install the package strace
first, and you will have to kill apache from a different shell after
the test.

> Scriptlog doesn't give me anything we didn't already know:
> %% [Tue Sep 25 15:58:57 2007] GET /cgi-bin/test.pl HTTP/1.1
> %% 500 /home/nick/public_html/cgi-bin/test.pl

This is strange, the request does not contain ~nick.
Is /cgi-bin/test.pl the request you do in the browser? How is it
mapped to /home/nick/public_html/cgi-bin/test.pl ?


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