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Re: Switching RiscPC to Debian

On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 10:16:18PM +0100, Philip Blundell wrote:
> Jan-Uwe Finck wrote:
> >I'm very sorry to disappoint you, but it works ! :-))))))))))))) 
> Ah, good. :-)  So, does dpkg work now also?

No more.... :-( 

It worked ok, before I switched over to the libc6.
I had problems configuring libc6, so I manipulated the postinst-file,
built a new package, and installed it succesfully.
After that the binaries don't work anymore.
Neither /bin, /usr/bin or anything else..

But I could build new binutils without problems.
It seems any binaries I installed before the library-switch, which
were debian-ones , are not working anymore.

Ah....I just had the idea to use sash again to install the libc6
again, and now everything is alright. :-))

No more problems in the moment :-)))

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