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Re: scm on arm


I have just set up the first of several developer-accessible machines. Accounts available to anyone who needs one, send me an email.

(At some point it'll be owned by Debian, but until then...)

It's a 200 MHz ARM9T, so go easy on it.  Running sarge right now.


Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:

Sorry for the previous message, it contained innacurate information.
The correct info is:

I would like to debug the failure of scm to build on arm, or receive
patches from someone else who has done so.

The buildfailure is at http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?&pkg=scm&ver=5d9-5&arch=arm&stamp=1130382037&file=log&as=raw

This is Debian bug #335982.

However, there is no developer-accessible arm machine.
That makes it the responsibility of the porters to fix the bug. :)

Let me know ASAP how it's going...


Bill Gatliff

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